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Student Success Center College of Health & Human Services

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Student Success Center Services & Campus Resources


学生成功中心位于索拉诺3000. There are both Professional Staff as well as faculty advisors that provide holistic support services to aid in a student's university experience. If you have any of the following questions and more, please schedule an appointment if you:

  • 健康科学需要专业指导(护理学的新途径)?
  • 在选择专业时需要指导?
  • 面对专业中的挑战和障碍?
  • 对健康与人类服务学院的课程有疑问吗?

The Student Success Center 为您解答疑问,并提供以下服务:

  • Academic Planning
  • Basic Career Exploration
  • Faculty Mentoring
  • Major Program Exploration
  • 健康科学专业指导(护理新途径)
  • Referrals to Campus Resources
  • Tutoring

Meet Our Team

Raquel Quirarte, Ed.D.

Raquel Quirarte


Dr. Raquel Quirarte带来了超过22年的以学生为中心的经验. As 健康与人类服务学院学生成功主任 she brings her unique blend of perspectives as one who has held the positions of student, staff, and faculty at Sacramento State. 她获得了工商管理学士学位, 她获得了教育领导学硕士学位, 以及她的教育领导学博士学位, all from Sacramento State. Most recently, 她将HHS学生成功中心发展成为学生们蓬勃发展的资源, families, and faculty, serving over 6,每年有000人,而且还在增加. She is truly “Made at Sac State” and strives to make Sac State a stronger destination for student success.

Janette Hernandez, M.S.

Janette Hernandez


珍妮特在2022年春天加入了萨克州立队. Before coming to Sac State, she served undergraduate students as a dedicated academic advisor at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB). Prior to her position at CSUMB, 珍妮特曾连续两次获得美国大学的机构资助.S. Department of Education’s Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program at California State University, Fullerton. 她在加州大学欧文分校获得心理学和社会行为学士学位, 她在科罗拉多州立大学富勒顿分校获得临床心理学硕士学位, 是一名有执照的婚姻和家庭治疗师. 她目前正在萨克州立大学攻读教育领导力博士学位. She is proud to be part of the Sac State family and serving Sac State students through the College of Health and Human Services’ Student Success Center.

Joanna Sampanis, M.A.

Photo of College Advisor & 人才保留专家——乔安娜·桑帕尼斯

College Advisor & Retention Specialist

Joanna Sampanis has joined the College of Health and Human Services as an advisor and specialist in the Student Success Center. 她在学生服务方面拥有丰富的背景,包括学术咨询, transfer credit articulation, and degree completion solutions. Joanna is “Made at Sac State” with degrees in Philosophy and English but her post-baccalaureate pursuits include educational technology, instructional design, and popular media. She enjoys working with students toward achieving their professional development goals through thoughtful academic planning and advocacy. 请随时与她联系,分享任何你感兴趣的东西!

Kristen McCarroll, M.S.


College Advisor & Retention Specialist

克里斯汀第一次加入大黄蜂家族是作为一名研究生, 获得职业咨询硕士学位, 从那以后就一直在学校里. 在就业中心和学术咨询中心完成实习后, 克里斯汀于2017年加入学术咨询中心团队,担任专业顾问, 并在社会科学学院担任综合顾问 & 在加入健康学院之前,在跨学科研究学生成功中心工作 & 作为大学顾问 & Retention Specialist. 克里斯汀很自豪能进入萨克州立大学, and enjoys working with students to help them navigate their academic experience at Sac State, and reach their personal, academic, and career goals.

Jennifer Anderson, DNP

Jennifer AndersonLecturer, School of Nursing

Dr. 詹妮弗·安德森(Jennifer Anderson)于2015年加入Sac State,担任护理专业的兼职讲师. Before coming to Sac State, she had experience as both an acute care and public health nurse. 她在护理项目中的主要教学领域是社区健康护理. Dr. 安德森毕业于萨克州立大学,获得护理硕士学位. She looks forward to making a positive impact on students just as her faculty did when she was a student at Sac State!

Jason Pritchard, M.S.


In 2019, Jason joined Sac State’s Division of Criminal Justice as a part-time lecturer. 在结束对美国海军陆战队的访问后不久, Jason’s law enforcement career began in 2005 as a local police officer in the California Central Valley, 他在哪里担任巡警, Gang Enforcement Agent, SWAT Operator, and Patrol Sergeant. In 2010, Jason以特工的身份加入了美国财政部调查办公室, 并于2015年晋升为监督特工. Jason has also taught various agency specific classes for the US Treasury’s training programs. Jason is passionate in helping students achieve their goals both in and outside the classroom, 并期待着与萨克州立大学多样化的学生群体合作.

Adam Lau

Adam Lau


Adam Lau has joined the College of Health and Human Services team in 2024 as an ASC 1 for the student success center. 在从CSUS获得社会学学位之前, 他从萨克拉门托城市学院和科斯梅斯河学院转学. 他有丰富的学生工作经验, staff, and faculty from his previous position in Human Resources and other settings of administration. His goal in his new position is to see the success of the students who need any help or guidance from the CHHS office. He is proud to be a CSUS alumni and proud to be a part of the CSUS campus that helped him succeed.

Departmental Academic Advisors

The College of Health and Human Services has professional advisors for five of the academic programs, you may reach out to them directly for more information related to their specific majors.

Destiny Effiong, MS



Heidi Travis

Heidi Travis


Heidi Travis joined the Hornet Family in spring 2006 and officially became “Made at Sac State” in spring 2010 with a degree in Sociology. She started the beginning of her career in the School of Nursing as the front receptionist in the fall 2012. She has worked her way to her current position as the School of Nursing’s admissions advisor. While working in the nursing department she has been part of the Admissions Criteria Task Force, helped with the process of the two main nursing accreditation bodies (BRN and CCNE) and is currently a part of the Sac State’s Advising Council. Heidi takes pride in being a part of the hornet family and has a passion for helping and connecting with the students. Stingers up!

Melissa Timpson



梅丽莎在2008年第一次加入大黄蜂家族,当时她还是一名本科生, 获得民族研究学位. As a student, she became a Student Ambassador for the Admissions and Outreach office and conducted tours to perspective families and provided outreach to students over the phone, email and did site visits. Melissa left the Admissions and Outreach office in 2012 and joined the School of Nursing at Sacrament State in 2013 where she managed the different programs for Nursing and supported the admissions for the RN to BSN and MSN program. In 2023, Melissa joined the Department of Physical Therapy as their Admissions Coordinator for their Doctorate program. Melissa gets joy form her job knowing that her admissions advising contributes to graduating wonderful students in the field of healthcare. Stingers Up!

Troy Nichols

Troy Nichols


Troy Nichols, 在萨克拉门托地区被亲切地称为PT,很自豪能在萨克州立大学学习, 2007年毕业于娱乐管理专业. Upon graduation, Troy went on to acquire a Master’s in Business Administration before returning to the Hornet Family in 2015 as a Lecturer in the College of Health & Human Services (RPTA). 从2020年到2021年,他在全校范围内的反种族主义工作 & 《澳门博彩公司》,担任重要和肯定规划小组的联合主席. He continues to be passionate and committed to ensuring all students have equitable access and are empowered to engage with the full educational experience at Sac State to achieve their personal and professional goals.

How to Schedule an Appointment

How to Schedule an Appointment

HHS学生成功中心可以通过各种方式访问, 您可以通过以下途径获得我们的支持服务:

  • virtual drop-in hours (link)
  • 面对面(校内),索拉诺厅3000室
  • by appointment


If you are a current CSUS student, you may schedule a virtual (via zoom) or on-campus Academic Advising Appointment. 如需预约,请按以下步骤办理:

  1. Visit the Campus EAB Scheduling Tool.
  2. Select Advising, then:

    Follow these steps

    • Select Services: (请选择你需要支援的项目 健康与人类服务学院成功中心

If you are not a current CSUS student 寻求建议支持,请发邮件给HHS,学生成功中心, 为了请求帮助或向我们的团队询问一般问题. 通过向我们的员工发送电子邮件,这将确保您的需求将得到及时满足. Our HHS, Student Success Center staff will be checking our email account regularly and will respond to you or direct your request to the appropriate individual.
